Sunday 26 February 2017


The kisiizi falls are located in Rukungiri district western Uganda on Kyabamba River. One branches off at Muhanga Trading Center on Kabale – Mabarara Highway.

It flows from the south –west along a long valley from the muhanga area then cascades over a 30meter drop before flowing on to the northeast to eventually drain into lake Edward. River kisiizi is just a few meters from Kisiizi Hospital in Rukungiri District borderinh kabale the switerland of Uganda.
It's a breath taking sight and one of the many Waterfalls Uganda Has to offer just beautiful a must see, visitors are met by mist from the fall at least 100 meters away. 
some cultural history of Kisiizi falls, according to the older people living in this area theses falls are believed to have contributed to the good morals of the unmarried Bakiga girls in the area and some from afar. when a girl got pregnant out of wedlock, the father and brother would take her to these falls and release her to fall off the cliff where she would meet her death. this would scare young girls to engage in premarital sex hence ensuring girls stayed virgins until marriage.

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